According to Forbe's magazine just 8% of people achieve their New Year's Resolution. That's as far as Forbe's goes with getting into numbers related to improving individual success. That's really sad given that they are so good at defining percentages of profits within a given industry and the millions or billions a company is worth. Personally, I get irritated when people place importance on one set of numbers yet totally ignore the numbers they were born with. So if you're one of the 92% of people making New Years Resolutions that fail there is still an opportunity for success. Success by your numbers.
Save your New Year's Resolution for your personal new year .... Your birthday. The formula for calculating your Personal Year is simple. You take your birth month and day (mine's 03/10) as well as the appropriate calendar year (2016). Find the single digit sum of all the numbers. 3 + 1 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 13, (Don't be afraid of the double digit numbers. Keep adding across until you are reduced to a single digit.) Breaking down the 13 to 1 + 3 = 4. So my personal year which will come into affect on March 10th will be a four year. The four signifies what my resolution should be about for the following year. Beware! If you miss the importance of your Personal Year it will be another nine years before you get the opportunity to work on, or out, those issues again. Briefly this is what you can work through on each of your Personal Years. 1 Personal Year - New Beginnings 2 Personal Year - Relationship Building 3 Personal Year - Self Expression 4 Personal Year - Solidifying Foundation 5 Personal Year - Personal Freedom 6 Personal Year - Responsibility 7 Personal Year - Reflection 8 Personal Year - Strength and Leadership 9 Personal Year - Completion Imagine how much more successful people would be with their resolutions if they made them on their birthday in accordance with their Personal Year. My best advice for New Year's Eve would be to enjoy the fireworks, champagne, and general frivolity of ushering in 2016. The hard work can wait until later ... Unless, of course, your birthday is January 1, 2016. If you need any assistance with figuring out your Personal Year please feel free to email me at [email protected] Simply include your birth day and month. I will respond as quickly as possible. In the meantime, CHEERS!
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