Originally published to my Hope Still Lives Here page on Instagram
This was part of an email I sent to a TCHC staffer - "I'm kind of hesitant to draw attention to todays issues because theoretically I got what I wanted. A splash pad for Gilder. Unfortunately as the attached photos show its not exactly in an ideal location. LOL Welcome to the Gilder splash/garden" Now the email I got back stated that my "sarcasm wasn't appreciated", that I was "bitter" and claimed someone else gave her "accurate information" indicating that I had somehow or other provided "inaccurate information". (My #PhotosDontLie I have several other angles of this garden turned wading pool.) These are just some of the things that TCHC employees will say in order to take away from a tenants accomplishments within their community. I was the lead on that Partnership Opportunities Legacy Fund grant application that was originally supposed to include extensive upgrades to the community garden and a splash pad. I'm still waiting to see invoices for this project to the tune of $460 000. It's not my fault that any upgrades to this project that has already been signed off on as complete has to come from accessibility funding at TCHC. For GAWD sake stop projecting your inability to find the truth onto me - when it's an in-house issue. When I have to correct your assumptions the first day you're on site about where the money came from for this community development project, when you claim a door was accessible when it wasn't, and when other TCHC staffers claim to have written documentation about the project development process but don't - you are pointing your fingers in the wrong direction. I know that no one at TCHC wants to be acccountable to a TCHC tenant to the tune of $460 000. Well maybe you shouldn't have used me to line your pockets. #JustSayin #ShowMeTheMoney #TCH #TCHC #TOhousing #TorontoHousing #TorontoCommunityHousing #FYI I ain't bitter. You need to grow a sense of humour. For the record, "Bitter" would have thrown in the towel a long time ago. There is a reason I call this page #HopeStillLivesHere
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